Start here to get going with Oode

Hey there, we are stoked to have you here. 🤩  Learn the first steps in order to get your booking pages up and running!

To get you started, we’ve written a guide that covers everything you need to know to build your personal booking page on Oode. From creating your profile to setting up your sessions and connecting with your prospects, this guide will help you breeze through the first steps.

For now, you're probably just wondering what to do first. To help get you going as quickly as possible, we've populated our site with starter content (like this post!) covering all the key concepts and features of Oode.

You'll find an outline of all the important features below including links to each section so you can explore the parts you're most curious about.

Whenever you feel equipped to try it out for yourself, just go on straight to, and start creating your booking pages. Oode Help is always here if you need any guidance!  

Your guide to Oode

If you cruise through all those and you're craving more, you can find an extensive library of content over on the Oode blog.

Asking for help

If you need help, Oode customers can always reach our full-time support team by emailing

Happy reading!