Add and edit reviews to your Oode storefront

Reviews and Ratings are feedback left by your existing customers after doing business with you. Adding them to your storefront is helpful when marketing your business because they show potential customers your credibility and expertise.

Basically, reviews are added to a website to display your previous customers’ experiences and show what it’s like to work with you. They also help you improve your customer service as you gain your visitors’ trust and confidence.

To strengthen your brand, you have the option to add a Reviews & Ratings section on your Oode storefront. This is located right below your storefront’s About section.

To get to the Reviews tab on your Oode platform, simply go to Reviews under Storefront on your left panel.

Add reviews and ratings

To start adding reviews and ratings on your storefront, go to the Reviews tab and select the + Add Review button at the top of your screen.

Once selected, you will see a prompt where you can enter the details of your customer’s review such as their rating out of 5 stars, the date they submitted their review, their name, and their comment or feedback in words.

Click Save once done.

If you want to add more reviews, repeat the process.

Keep in mind that as you make changes to your storefront such as adding reviews and ratings, you can track the progress through the preview page to the right of your screen. You can also switch between Desktop and Mobile view to see how your storefront looks from different devices.

Edit reviews and ratings

Making changes to your existing reviews is easy. To edit your reviews and ratings, simply go to the Reviews tab and click on the Edit button under the review you want to update.

Make the necessary changes and click Save.

That’s it!

Check how your storefront looks from the preview screen to your right or view your actual storefront by selecting View Storefront located at your left panel.