Upload a bill or receipt

Managing expenses is easier than ever with Oode. With your virtual ledger and our built-in bookkeeping tools, you can easily upload a bill or receipt so you can track your cash flow anytime, anywhere.

There are two ways to upload a copy of your bill or receipt — both ways are done in the Expenses tab under Finances.

The first way to upload your bill or receipt is by clicking on + Upload a bill or a receipt under Total Expenses.

The second way to upload your bill or receipt is by clicking on + New at the upper right corner of your screen.

A pop-up window will appear and ask you whether you want to upload a bill or a receipt.

Choose what kind of document you want to upload and record. Then, drop the file or click on the box to choose which file you want to upload.

Click Analyze.

Once uploaded, enter the details in the new window to match or verify the information on the scanned bill or receipt.

Click Save Bill or Save Receipt and you are done!