Katherine C

Katherine C

Add custom code

Although Oode has made it easier for you to create

How to add a custom language for your storefront

Oode has now added a feature where you can upload

How to upload a video to your storefront banner

A creative way of introducing your business to your visitors

How to sort your FAQs

Know how to sort your FAQs so you can manage which questions your customers can see first.

How to add a digital product to your service

You can add up to five digital products or downloadable

Receive chat notifications via email

Providing prompt and personalized service is key to building strong

An overview of your storefront

The Oode Storefront is your business website or online store.

Your onboarding checklist

Oode adds an onboarding checklist to make the entire process

Display your subscriptions

Build a long-term relationship with your customers and enjoy recurring